Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fun times!

I'm afraid that I haven't been a very good blogger lately. I completely forgot to tell you about the fantastic time we had at the Ice Cream crop. I was a little more on the ball than usual as this time, I managed to remember my camera! So, I have some pictures to share!

The first one really demonstrates how totally inept I am as a photographer. But, it's also a fun picture of two friends who are obviously not taking themselves too seriously. So, here we and the Queen of the Crop in all her glory (well, HALF of each of us anyway)!

I tried the "Quick Fix" button on my photo editing software, hoping to make it less blurry but can see how that turned out. I guess some things just aren't fixable.

So, we decided to try again:

Hmmm...still not good enough. What are we missing? Why, we needed to freshen ourselves up a little, of course!!

A little lipstick and voila!!

Now THIS is the money shot! LOL

Next, we decided our friend Miss Elizabeth was ready for her close-up. I got in the picture with her, just in case she was a little camera know, for moral support. Yeah, that's it..moral support. :o)

Actually, I have very few pictures of Elizabeth and I together so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. Doesn't she look pretty in her green shirt? It looked so cute on her!

But probably one of the best things of the night was this:

To borrow a word from Cheryl, it was "yummylicious" in a bowl! Vanilla ice cream topped with M&M's, Junior Mints, a Reese's Peanut Butter cup, whipped cream and a cherry on top! Ask me if I was sick the next day? Violently sick. Would I do it again? Absolutely. There is just some fun in life you can't experience by playing it safe. This was one of those times.

I also got a shot of Elizabeth's creation. It looked yummy also (even though I'm not a fan of nuts on my ice cream):

I have a few other photos of some of my other scrapbooking buddies, and I fully intended on posting them. However, for fear of retaliation, I think it's probably best that I refrain from doing so. I'm guessing at least one of them has an unflattering picture of me lying in their stash somewhere.